The works from Paper Convention Collective completely blew my socks off so I had to pass this on. This collective is dedicated to the documentation of Paper Expressionism through paper-installations, exhibitions and paper-art, zine-making, paper-crafting, workshops and lectures. It is a simple, powerful statement that aims to encourage and harness emerging paper artists and makers. It is a message that insists on the notion of community and utilises art as a catalyst for documenting and bringing communities together. For a full interview with instigator Lisa from paper store Lox + Saavy visit The Finders Keepers and PCC website at to join their mailing list.
The collective is also calling-out to Australian-based paper artists both emerging or established, who can display unusual techniques, curious paper materials and clever concepts, work selected will belong in a league of their own, inspiring the community in the paper arts and thrilling paper lovers of the ingenious and the imaginative to be part of our key event next year! Contact them at for more details.